About Me NY State Licensed Creative Arts Therapist Board Certified Music Therapist Certified Analytical Music Therapist PUBLICATIONS “Three Roads Diverged: Transformative Self-experience in AMT and GIM” Megan Shelley, Juliane Kowski & Frances Smith Goldberg.Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, April 2021 "Analytical Music Therapy" Editor, J. Th. Eschen, J. Kingsley (2002) "Psychodynamic Music Therapy" Editor, S. Hadley, Barcelona (2003) "Healing the Inner City Child: Creative Arts Therapies with At-Risk-Youth", J. Kingsley (2006) (download - pdf 288 kb) Education Masters of Arts for Music Therapy from New York University NYC, 1998 BA in Teaching Elementary School music, mathematics and German in Berlin,Germany,1988 BA in Music with specialization in voice and vocal teaching for contemporary music and Jazz, Berlin, Germany,1995 PRESENTLY WORKING AS… Clinical supervisor and trainer at the "Blended Learning Analytical Music Therapy Certification Program“ of Molloy University, NY (for more information click here please) Music Therapist for UCSF, Inpatient psychiatric hospital “Langley Porter” in San Francisco,CA Music therapist, founder and owner of MusicConnects, Berkeley,CA In the past Juliane has worked as a program manager and senior mental health consultant of “Child Care Solutions” at Early Childhood Mental Health Programs in Richmond,CA (www.ecmhp.org) for Sutter VNA & Hospice as well as other mental health community programs, wilderness programs in NYC, Brooklyn and Wilson,WY before she moved to the Bay Area. She also worked as a clinical supervisor for the Albany Unified School District for 13 years.She created many programs for elementary schools (BUSD, AUSD) to address social-emotional learning in young children using music.
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